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Todd also offers Percussion Therapy with the use of the Pro Muscle Release(PMR) massage tool upon request. Todd has completed all four training levels of Neuromuscular Therapy(NMT) with Judith DeLaney of NMT Center and is working toward his certification in this method. Todd's Therapeutic Massage sessions combine the deep, fluid wavelike energy inherent in the techniques of lomilomi into each treatment. Dane Kaohelani Silva of Haleola on the Big Island of Hawaii. Todd has also studied Hawaiian Lomilomi with native, Dr. Todd began his studies with Master teacher Chongkol Setthakorn in 2001 and has been practicing the art of Thai Massage ever since. Todd is a Certified Thai Massage Practitioner with a Teacher Training degree from International Training Massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Todd McLaughlin, LMT, ERYT has been practicing Massage Therapy full time since 2000. This patented technology delivers rapid, mechanical percussions that penetrate multiple muscle layers, thereby promoting healing and accelerated recovery.

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~ The Pro Muscle Release (PMR) is a therapeutic modality that precisely administers the benefits of percussion therapy.

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