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Whether you're having a fun movie night or eating your feelings after a breakup or bad day at work, nothing heals all wounds quite like a rom-com-and these are some of the very best of all time. Though there's definitely a time and place for a good thriller or horror movie, when you need a pick-me-up, romantic comedies are ~clearly~ the superior genre. If you're watching an old classic for the first time, it's the perfect opp to watch with pals and laugh/groan/cry together, IMO. malemassage legmassage abductor thighmassage muscle massagevideoThe Abductors Inner Thigh Male Leg Massage Using deep strokes to manipulate and breakdo.

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Some of these are movies that helped define the genre but might be a bit.of their time, let's say ( The Wedding Singer, Pretty Woman, While You Were Sleeping: Dated, yes, but we still love them to death). Some are lil gems with a sneaky romantic subplot you might not even have noticed the first time round ( Booksmart, I love ya). Some of these are absolutely movies you rewatch over and over (hello, When Harry Met Sally).

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Truly, is there anything better than a romantic comedy to lighten your mood? I think not. There's literally no better time to introduce yourself to a classic you missed when it came out or an underrated gem you haven't gotten around to watching. Are you looking for a movie with a sweet love story, plenty of laughs, and maybe even a makeover scene or two ( and you've already watched the best rom-coms coming out in 2022)? Good news: You've come to the right place.

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